ASHI and MEDIC First Aid Blog

May 3, 2016

New Digital Tools for G2015

Our I.T. department has been very busy programming some new features and options into our soon-to-be-released G2015 ASHI and MEDIC First Aid..

April 15, 2016

A Little Spring Cleaning for Your Training Center

It’s not just our houses that could use a little “spring cleaning” around this time of year. As long as you’re sprucing things up, why not do some..

April 5, 2016

April Is National Youth Sports Safety Month

As many parents already know, April is a busy month for kids who enjoy sports. April is National Youth Sports Safety Month, so it’s the perfect time..

March 22, 2016

National Poison Prevention Week: Inhaled Poison

March 20-26, 2016 is National Poison Prevention Week. In today’s blog, let’s take a look specifically at preventing inhaled poisoning and the..

March 11, 2016

Deciding to Respond in an Emergency

It’s a moment no one really wants to face: you’ve taken the CPR and first aid class in the past and now you see an emergency situation unfolding..




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