ASHI and MEDIC First Aid Blog

June 20, 2017

AED Drones

Bystanders willing to use their emergency care training might have some high-tech assistance in the future with drones delivering automated external..

May 25, 2017

National CPR and AED Awareness Week

June 1-7, 2017 is National CPR and AED Awareness Week, and the perfect opportunity to give a heartfelt thanks to our instructors, training centers..

May 18, 2017

National EMS Week

May 21-27, 2017 is National EMS Week, and this year’s theme perfectly captures the essence of emergency medical service work: “Always in Service.”

May 4, 2017

International Firefighters' Day

May 4 is International Firefighters’ Day, a time to appreciate everything our local professional and volunteer firefighters do to protect our lives,..

April 17, 2017

Would Your Students Choose to Use Their CPR Skills?

A new survey shows there’s only a 50/50 chance that Americans are willing to intervene with CPR when witnessing a medical emergency.




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