ASHI and MEDIC First Aid Blog

February 6, 2018

Show Your Heart Some Love During Heart Month

February is American Heart Month and the perfect time to educate ourselves about heart disease and what we can do to keep our hearts in good working..

January 30, 2018

New Advanced Bleeding Control Courses

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, traumatic injury is one of the leading causes of death for people under 50 years of age..

January 9, 2018

Snow Sports Safety and Cold Weather Emergency Care

For much of the U.S., the snowy season is well underway. Before your family heads out for a day of playing in the fresh powder, make snow sports..

January 4, 2018

Resolve to Be a Good Samaritan in 2018

To help inspire you to finally take that emergency care class you’ve been thinking about for years, check out this Good Samaritan story from one of..

November 16, 2017

Understanding the Impact of Bystander Response for Trauma

Anyone who has taken a CPR class has heard of the “chain of survival,” a mnemonic device that helps students remember all the steps necessary to help..




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