ASHI and MEDIC First Aid Blog

Keep that Heart Pumpin’ – February is Heart Month

Written by Katherine McCarthy | February 3, 2016

We’re focusing on the HEALTH part of EH&S training this month to talk about how to keep your heart healthy in the workplace.

Every year, Heart Month is celebrated in February to bring awareness to heart health and how to prevent heart disease.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cardiovascular disease — including heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure — is responsible for one out of every four deaths.  It is the leading cause of death for women and men, and it is a leading cause of serious illness and disability.

And that got us to thinking about healthy hearts and the workplace.  With such high statistics, the chances of injury or illness in the workplace – including falling victim to or witnessing a cardiac emergency – increases.  Does your company have what it takes to respond in case of an emergency or injury?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Fundamentals of a Workplace First-Aid Program offers some best practice recommendations, such as:

  • Having trainees develop “hands-on” skills through the use of mannequins and partner practice

  • Having appropriate first-aid supplies and equipment available

  • Exposing trainees to acute injury and illness settings as well as to the appropriate response through the use of visual aids (or what we like to call “scenario-based training”)

  • Including a course information resource for reference both during and after training

  • Emphasizing skills training and confidence-building over classroom lectures

We want to remind you all that when it comes to workplace emergencies, including sudden cardiac arrest, Summit has the help you need.  With ASHI and MEDIC First Aid at our side, we are able to offer you flexible, innovative First Aid, CPR, and automated external defibrillator (AED) training programs.

Hands-on training that provides real-life simulations and retention/refresher tools to help students remember what they learned and give them the confidence to respond is at the heart of everything we do. Plus, our Otis administrative interface makes managing your program easy and automates many of those “must-do” tasks that help your program run smoothly.

If you are looking to implement an emergency care program in your workplace or want to beef up your existing one, join our ASHI and MEDIC First Aid family for:

  • Easy administration and reporting through Otis, our Online Training & Information System

  • Award-winning programs designed for adult learners

  • Programs that focus on workplace settings and real-life scenarios

  • Print, digital, or blended learning content delivery and certification options

  • Unforgettable classes with our LOOP Learning System CPR skills games

Call us today at 1-800-4473177 or visit  HSI.COM/GETSTARTED to make the switch!

We can’t wait to welcome you to the HSI family of brands!