Universal Interim Training Materials
For Instructors who wish to incorporate updated Guidelines before new course materials are offered, Universal Interim Training Program Materials are now available! The interim materials are optional to use with existing G2015 training materials.
Please note that Instructors may continue to teach using their current ASHI, MEDIC First Aid, and EMS Safety training programs and materials until training programs with the new recommendations are available.
Which HSI programs have Universal Interim Training Program Materials?
Downloads in Otis are available for the following HSI programs:
- CPR, AED & First Aid
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
- Basic Life Support (BLS)
- Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
How do I access the Universal Interim Training Materials?
All Universal Interim Training Program materials can be found in your Otis portal. Log in and select Documents/Resources from the left-side menu. Make sure you’re in the Training tab on the top navigation bar, and you’ll see the materials listed. Select the Interim Training Materials for the programs you teach. Hit the download button to view, download to your device and save.
Find the Universal Interim Training Materials in Otis:
- On the top row, select the Training tab
- Select the program you need
- Download the HSI 2020 Interim Training Materials

When will new programs be available?
HSI has already begun the process of developing and producing new training program materials that include the new recommendations, but given the size and scope of this project, we do not currently have an estimated 2021 release date.
Once new HSI emergency care training program materials are available, a reasonable time period will be allowed for Training Centers and Instructors to use up existing student materials before those materials are discontinued and associated certification cards can no longer be legitimately issued.
As we make progress on the development of the new HSI programs, we'll be sure to keep you informed.
Looking for more information?
You can also read the HSI 2020 Universal Guidelines Update & Training Programs Transition Plan, giving authorized ASHI, MEDIC First Aid, and EMS Safety Instructors summarized highlights of the recommended changes in CPR, ECC, and first aid guidelines.